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CFR is Reaching for the Stars and Seeing Results

A special thank you to the NYC Service team and our parent advocates for their dedication and enthusiasm. Together this crew reached over 50 locations in both districts, showcasing the wide array of CFR resources available to families.

City’s First Readers recently received the results from our family behavior assessments conducted by the evaluation firm, Apter & O’Connor. We were thrilled to see substantial gains throughout the report and would like to call attention to the positive statistical significance in two of our priority areas:

  • Building home libraries by increasing the number of age-appropriate books in the home. We found that only 45% of families who had not attended CFR programming had 10 or more books in the home, that number jumped to 71% after engaging with CFR

  • Increasing the frequency that parents/caregivers read to their child(ren). Prior to attending CFR programs, 59% of families read 3+ days/week, after participating in CFR that number jumped to 79%

This year we are reaching for the stars and we are taking our impact a step farther. In addition to creating public awareness campaigns, resources and programs that ensure children are more prepared for their first day of school, we are also working to increase enrollment in both PreK and 3K. Look out for more results!

To learn about City's First Readers programs near you, visit our website.


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