We will not let the Coronavirus impede us from providing literacy support to children whose long-term progress is most affected by this crisis. Nor will it stop us from recognizing our honorees, Susan and Harry Newton, Tracy Dockray and Mark Rudd, longtime supporters of education in our city.
LINC holds the key to continuing education for our children. Because we have invested in empowering our parents with books, tools, and resources to foster an atmosphere of literacy at home, our families will continue to benefit from daily reading. LINC is relying on the strength of family relationships built over the past twenty four years through our grassroots outreach and year-round programming, to roll out a calendar of daily digital programming to keep children most affected by the crisis actively learning.
We cannot allow today’s educational disruptions to affect tomorrow’s need for solutions. Children who read become scientists and doctors who cure tomorrow’s virus, who solve the environmental challenges facing our world, become engineers who address infrastructure shortfalls and design more efficient buildings, become leaders addressing novel challenges we have not yet foreseen. This is why your support for LINC’s Un-Gala is now more critical than ever. With your generosity, LINC is here for the long haul. Without classrooms and in an environment of social distancing, children are at great risk of losing proficiency and even the desire to read. LINC needs to raise $150,000 to propel and extend our digital work, ensuring that we can support families in supporting their children. Our children and families are counting on us. Can we count on you?
Payment can be made by ACH wire, Credit Card or by donating stock. Please call or email Jeanine Nadler (jnadler@lincnyc.orc, 914-450-4003) for wiring or stock instructions.