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Literacy Inc. Responds to the Coronavirus

Literacy Inc. has decided to suspend all public programming until March 31, 2020 in support of our city’s efforts to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. We are actively monitoring the evolving nature of our city’s response to keeping families safe. The decision to stop our public programs was difficult but the wellbeing of our families during this challenging time is most important. We want you to know that we are here for you now more than ever.

We will not let the Coronavirus stop us from providing you with literacy support. This is a moment of opportunity for LINC. We hold the keys to continuing education for our children, and because we have invested in empowering our parents and fostering an atmosphere of literacy at home, we are uniquely well positioned to benefit from increased daily reading.

We are currently creating a plan for digital and virtual programming to keep on spreading the joy of reading to our children from the comfort of our homes. For LINC families, reading never stops! Please stay tuned for more information coming to you soon.

If you are not following us on social media, this is a great time to subscribe: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and keep updated on LINC's work in your community.

Please remember that we are strongest when we stand united! It's important to come together and support one another as neighbors, New Yorkers, a nation, and as a global society.

To get regular updates on the latest developments regarding Coronavirus in NYC, text COVID to 692-692 and remember that no matter what you're dealing with, NYC has resources to help you. Please call 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355) if you need assistance.


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