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Outreach Increases as CFR Week Expands

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

This past January, Literacy Inc. (LINC) and the 17 other partner organizations that comprise City’s First Readers (CFR) united in our quarterly “CFR Week” campaign to reach families with information about free resources, services, and early literacy programming available to them through CFR. The results of this coordinated effort were astounding:

  • 1,500 families reached with information about CFR

  • 1,300 sets of CFR materials (including early learning activities) were distributed

  • 1,100 books were distributed

CFR partners are now gearing up for the upcoming April CFR Week campaign, which is themed around celebrating diversity and will run throughout April. Settings where families will receive materials, books, and information about CFR include storytimes, parent workshops, pediatrician’s visits, and home-based provider visits.

To learn more and register for a program, visit


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