Jul 1, 2021
1000 Families and Counting! LINC Hits Online Program Milestone
This month, LINC arrived at a major milestone: over this past year of virtual programming, we have engaged with 1000 families across our literacy neighborhoods. We are awed and so proud of this incredible accomplishment, which is the result of our fantastic team and the resilience of our community of families. Fifteen months ago, we announced that we were rolling out a calendar of digital programming and resource guides designed to keep children actively learning while shut inside. You can read here about our pledge to continue our mission of combatting the literacy crisis and bridge the gap that school closures and other coronavirus-related stresses created. Today, we reaffirm that commitment while also celebrating the transformations happening in our neighborhoods. 1000 families have participated in LINC virtual programs since June 2020. In addition to this accomplishment, 46% of those families have returned for more than one program. Our model works by forming community support networks that imbue parents with the confidence and skills to raise lifelong readers, and so it is crucial that families feel encouraged and empowered to continue coming back to LINC. Reflecting on the joys of the past year, Community Coordinator Majida Gouriech says: “I have a flashback of all the events that are engraved in my mind. Our first Fordham virtual RE, LINC-wide RE, Reading Celebration, LINC Gala, the smile on children's faces when we do the book distributions, children who know us by our names... I should stop here because the list goes on and on.” We are proud and grateful to our supporters and thrilled for our families. As we look forward to the many years to come, we are committed to building a welcoming and safe community for parents to grow alongside their children. You can join our community by signing up for one of our virtual programs at www.lincnyc.org/onlineprograms ! Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming announcements about in-person programming soon!