Dec 3, 2019
LINC's Letter to the New York Times
A response to the article School Reforms Fail to Lift U.S. On Global Test, published on December 3rd, 2019
To the Editor:
Dana Goldstein writes that despite billions spent on school reform, recent tests show that two-thirds of children are not proficient readers. The experts cite teacher training and more social workers in schools as focus areas to address this issue.
What’s not included? Early literacy support programs. If we are to truly address this literacy crisis we need to focus on supporting families with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The article cites Washington D.C. as the sole example of a city that has demonstrated impressive performance gains. What is not mentioned is that since 2008 D.C. has built Universal Pre-K and is investing in programs for families with children birth to three.
LINC empowers parents and builds literacy-rich neighborhoods.
The results are significant – showing gains in vocabulary, reading time and comprehension.
This issue is crucial and solvable when you start early, before the achievement gap is already in place.
Shari Levine is the Executive Director of Literacy, Inc. (LINC). LINC creates lasting change through its community based, 2-Generation approach to improving literacy outcomes in high-poverty neighborhoods.