Jan 3, 2022
LINC Readers Celebrate Holidays Around the World!
When it’s time to celebrate, LINC knows the way. We can all come together, no matter the day. During the holiday season when schools are closed, it is critical for children to continue reading and LINC is here to help. LINC staff make sure that families have access to stories and learning opportunities where they are reminded to keep reading. On Tuesday, December 28, 2021, LINC hosted a Let’s Celebrate Holidays reading event online for all to enjoy. This virtual reading extravaganza included storytime, arts and crafts, dances and a raffle for a $100 Amazon gift card. LINC staff Araceli Farciert and Rocio Apolonio led us in a read-aloud of Lets Celebrate! Special Days Around the World , written by Kate DePalma and illustrated by Martina Peluso. This beautiful story describes different holidays that are celebrated all over the world, throughout the year, from Kodomo no Hi in Japan to Carnival in Brazil and Matariki in New Zealand. Learning about a wide variety of customs and traditions opens young readers’ minds to new adventures, treats, activities, and all kinds of fun. As the LINC team put it, “Today we used a book to learn about cultures from around the world. There is never not an opportunity to be learning. When reading, point out all the new words your children are learning, and take time to discuss what interests them on the page.” After storytime, young readers and their parents were asked to participate in a scavenger hunt right in their own homes by finding a jacket, hat, scarf, and gloves to bundle up for the winter! Families also shared their favorite holiday foods and traditions, like baklava and galletas de suero (yummy homemade buttermilk biscuits). LINC staff Delilah Santamaria and Alma Canete taught some traditional dances and many of the children presented their holiday artwork. The continued challenges of the pandemic can’t stop the enthusiasm of LINC families and their opportunities to learn. Parent Beatriz Fermin concluded our morning of fun with gratitude, “LINC programs help so much with raising my child when we don’t have the time to read a book together. Thank you LINC, and Happy New Year!” Stick with LINC! We know the way and we can’t wait to spread the joy of reading to many more families in New York City and beyond. To register for LINC’s latest online literacy programs, visit www.lincnyc.org/onlineprograms .