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Readers are Dreamers

Oct 29, 2019

Readers are Dreamers

"Books became our language. Books became our home." Yuyi Morales, Dreamers LINC’s Summer Reading Everywhere Program kicked off with LINC’s participation in The National Summer Learning Week (July 8th-13th). Dreamers by Yuyi Morales, an award-winning book that portrays a family of immigrants who find refuge at the library and a home in books, was read aloud in English and Spanish, in seven libraries across the New York City. We turned the city into a literacy-rich zone that powered more than 1,212 parents and 2,316 children to read 3,764 books over the summer. From public housing gardens in East New York to the Cloisters in Inwood, we organized more than 200 literacy events to foster a love of reading, providing 7,765 opportunities for families to engage with literacy.

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