Mar 11, 2022
Statement from Literacy Inc. on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
As an organization that works with young children, witnessing the brutality of Vladimir Putin’s attacks on civilians in Ukraine, particularly children, is unbearable. We speak out against these barbaric, unconscionable actions. We condemn all forms of violence against children–whether it is on our soil, at our borders, or in a distant land. It is our responsibility to nurture children, and their right to expect safety, health, and education. Our hearts are with parents everywhere who face persecution and struggle to protect innocents from acts of violence and war. We choose to speak out, knowing that we are only a small voice in the world’s chorus, knowing that we are offering only words. But silence is not an option. Our children deserve better and we must model the world we would like them to inherit. Spread the word in your community and register for LINC’s latest virtual reading programs. We can’t wait to read with you.