Oct 24, 2023
The Power of Partners
On Friday, October 20, 2023, Literacy Inc.'s (LINC) Chief Program Officer, Laura Walsh and Director of Early Literacy, Josh Barocas were honored to lead a tutor training on the Science of Reading for a new cohort of Reading Partners volunteers. Both LINC and Reading Partners are nonprofit organizations that support children who are at risk for failing to learn to read proficiently. Each organization understands the importance of children acquiring literacy and the consequences for failing to keep up. Each organization serves a different age range and consequently, each structures its programs differently. Adult volunteers with Reading Partners spend one hour a week helping lower grade students gain lifelong literacy skills that will empower their learning. They provide students with the proven, individualized reading support they need to read at grade level by fourth grade. LINC’ s presentation, based on workshops it has developed for parents of 4 and 5 year olds, breaks down complex topics incorporated in the Science of Reading methodology into bite size chunks and gives volunteers the history, context, and updates needed to understand the changes currently taking place in the New York City school system. Both LINC and Reading Partners value one-on-one relationships and share a goal to make universal literacy a reality for children. Their working together is an important example of how nonprofit programs can benefit from collaboration. LINC and Reading Partners are two of the eleven organizations that comprise NYC Reads , an initiative working together to support academic achievement in East New York, East Harlem, and South Jamaica. NYC Reads was created by The Pinkerton Foundation in 2014 because its experience in working with these organizations individually suggested that their impact would be even greater if they were working together. Now The Pinkerton Foundation has been joined by The Carmel Hill Fund and the New York City Council to support NYC Reads. With this unified support, LINC, Reading Partners and the other member organizations are able to concentrate on collaboration within these communities of focus. This training demonstrates the power of partners. To learn more about LINC’s programs, both online and in person, or register for LINC’s latest free workshops, visit: www.lincnyc.org/programs .