Virtual Bees: STEAM (English & Spanish)
Wed, Jul 22
What does STEAM stand for? Join us with your babies and toddlers as we explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through songs, read alouds, activities and parent information.
Time & Location
Jul 22, 2020, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
About the Event
What does STEAM stand for? Join us with your babies and toddlers as we explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through songs, read alouds, activities and parent information.
Unete con tu infante o nino/a mientras exploramos la Ciencia, Technologia, Ingenieria, Artes y Matematicas, a traves de canciones, actividades, una lectura en voz alta e informacion util para representantes.
Please Bring/Por favor trae::
Clear plastic cups, water, paper towel/napkin, food coloring (4 different colors), straw or craft stick for stirring.
Vasos de plástico transparente, agua, toalla de papel / servilleta, colorante para alimentos (4 colores diferentes), paja o palito para remover.