On Thursday December 2, New York Times best-selling author Adam Rubin joined LINC and our partner, the Bronx Library Center online for a bilingual reading of his book, "Dragons Love Tacos."
In advance of the program, LINC staff safely distributed copies of the book and the materials needed to participate in the online activities in their communities. This gave families a chance to read the book on their own and in tandem with Adam online during the live interactive program.
Dragon-themed songs, games, and crafts, a Q&A with Adam, and a chance to learn sign language was all part of the fun.
When asked what inspired him to write the book, Adam replied, “when I was a little kid my dad had this statue (holding up the statue) in his office that looked like a dragon eating a taco and my imagination took it from there. You never know what’s going to inspire you to write a story. It might be something you’re looking at right now in your own home!”
Adam also explained some of the steps and other people (like his friend and children's book illustrator, Daniel Salmieri) who played roles in the creation of his books. “Making a book takes more than one person. It’s a team effort.”
Last but not least, the children learned the difference between fiction and non-fiction stories when one of our little attendees shouted, “dragons don’t exist” taking us right back to the world of possibilities that opens up when we read.
Thank you Adam for joining us again for this year’s virtual #TacoBoutBooks program, one that is sure to inspire the next generation of little writers.
To learn more and register for an upcoming literacy program, visit: https://www.lincnyc.org/onlineprograms.
