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The Training Continues: LINC’s VIPs Learn to Design With Canva Software

(Left) VIP Rosa Lassalle led our parent workshop on graphic design. (Right) An example design from our workshop.

LINC’s Very Involved Parents (VIPs) form the core of our literacy justice movement as leaders and education advocates and we are committed to training them with the tools they need to transform their communities. That includes ongoing professional development opportunities for VIPs to learn all sorts of invaluable skills, even after they graduate from our academy. On August 6th, a recent VIP Academy graduate, Rosa Lassalle volunteered to lead a workshop on how to create flyers, presentations, and videos using Canva a free, user-friendly graphic design platform, where anyone can create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content. The app includes templates that VIPs can build their own promotional materials from as they spread the word about LINC’s programs and raise awareness about the importance of reading together as a family from an early age.

LINC VIPs enjoyed making attractive flyers and short videos with Rosa’s guidance and left the workshop with confidence to continue using their new skills to make impactful graphics and presentations for future LINC events.

At LINC, we believe in building a culture of curiosity, of constantly learning new things and in order to #RaiseResilientReaders, parents must experience the joy of learning alongside their children.

To learn more about LINC’s VIP program, visit:


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