Apr 21, 2021
LINC Responds to the Chauvin Verdict
“ Daddy Changed the World ” -- Gianna Floyd Those words, coming from a six year old child whose father was brutally murdered by one of the very people charged with protecting her family, can give all of America hope that we will and we must work together to achieve a better society. At Literacy, Inc. (LINC), we join the collective sigh of relief that a just verdict was issued by the jury in the Chauvin/Floyd trial. Truth matters. Words matter. Accountability matters. We join the collective sigh of mourning for those lives lost and not served by justice. We share the concerns of those who continue to be at risk of experiencing the systemic inequity that prevails in our country today. And we pledge to continue our work to ensure that all children and families have access to the opportunities that early literacy programming provides. Equity is a core value and founding rationale behind our nearly 25 years of experience in the field. We know that social justice cannot be achieved without educational justice. Educational justice rests on literacy. Our response to this decision must be one of the many steps that help to bend the long arc of the moral universe toward justice. Thank you, Gianna Floyd, for your wisdom. We are sorry you lost your daddy and we hope you feel the love from all corners of the world, today and always. For you and for all children, LINC will not rest until education justice is achieved.